
Posted: Wednesday, 5 May 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels:

My tutorial today raised some issues regarding decisions that I should be making. Nevertheless, I took down notes and will look to take out the most useful of what was discussed and really focus on what I want to do and how I can push my ideas further.

The most pressing issue was the audience, which I had not thought about enough, and therefore had not defined a clear one. I have now amended my brief below to reflect the new decisions I have made. From here I can carry out focussed research which will address my target audience more directly.

Points raised regarding audience -
Who do I want to target - top end market with plenty of income, or lower market who want lots of drugs for little money
Who will buy my product - Sportsmen/women for injuries, Young adults as a hangover aid, or older people to sooth everyday aches and pains.

Where does my audience go?
What do they buy?
What brands do they favour?
Who do they listen too?

Additional points raised
Consider the tone of voice and language I am using
How can I create packaging that will specifically target market.

My newly refined brief