I wanted to try a few layouts with more dialogue attached to them. I felt that I could be quite vague on the front of the pack as long as the message was conveyed later. That gave me the idea of hiding the ingredients under the lid so that the customer would get the ingredients to the recipe when they bought the pack. Although I am not overtly promoting that people make these concoctions, I don't think it matters if they do or not. It's all about communicating on the audiences level.

I have used a similar colour scheme and layout to the last layout but I feel the typeface adds quality to the resolution. It makes it feel trusted as if it's some recipe for something that will taste quite nice at the end. This was about taking conventions associated with the typeface and presenting a recipe that would be essentially horrible, but the audience don't know that. The helvetica typeface on the last one was direct and instructive and this is more of an invitation rather than an order. The line acts as an attention grabber and when reversed out on the black gives impact.
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