One of the things that I wanted to consider in light of the crit yesterday was colour. I started by using white stock just because it seemed like the logical choice seen as this is a budget brand, but once I started playing the colour and layout, my eyes have been opened to the many possibilities there are just based on a change of colour and how my product could have more appeal based on the right colour combinations. I just changed the colours around and printed them to see what worked and what didn't. Needless to say some that look ok on screen now looked horrible in print and vice versa.

I still wasn't sure of myself so I asked Graham to sit with me for a while and give his input. He quickly went through the colours I chose and asked me how I wanted my customer to feel when they used my product. Sickly colours such as the orange and purples were out of the window and by the end we both felt that the green and the black packaging resolutions were the most of effective. I thought that possibly a black packaging would stand out better against all the others on the shelf, and also sums up the mood of the product well I think. People will want to go back to bed and sleep, and bright blues and reds are not the way to go.
I also asked Graham for his input on my typographic work. He asked me my reasoning behind the decisions I made, and I explained the reason for using tight leading and he felt that I made the right decisions. Result!

I want to apply this design style to other layouts of different sizes to see how versatile it is.
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