Show 'n' Tell feedback

Posted: Wednesday, 24 November 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels: , , , , , ,

This couldn't have really come at a worse time for me really, I am in the middle of getting everything sorted but I can see why this was a good way get a lot of different opinion quickly. After reading through the comments made it has become clear than I cannot please everyone (we would all be the same if that was the case). So some of the comments countered other comments and it's up to me to pick the bones out of what I really need to pay more attention too.

Looking around the room, I would say I had a fair ammount of work on show, but I wasn't too happy with my progress, particularly this week, due to other commitments like the dissertation. I now really have to push on and get as much done as I can, but to fully exploit it to the point in which I am happy. The Element brief was a prime example of full exploitation and I haven't really replicated that across the other briefs, however, it's all about how far the brief can be expanded before it seems contrived and very 'samey'.

There wasn't any glaring mistakes that people picked up on, and some of the briefs now are beyond the point of overhauling. I have a list of the comments that I deemed constructive and that will effect my decision making now and in the future.

Element brief
- Clear, concise boards, spend your time workin on other briefs!
- adequate amount
- Too many for hand in?
- understandable and thorough boards

Late Music brief
- Says mature but not 'late night music'
- lighter colours maybe?
- very sophisticated, definitely works
- so glad you changed the colour
- it's alright change to purple maybe?
- too much italic for me
- Yellow paper, texture paper?
- Stationery across yellow stock perhaps?

Zac brief
- Yes more images
- No get rid of these images and stick to single colour
- Yes use images with overlayed pattern
- Use real spirograph, 2 colours
- Nice Logos
- Don't understand why you used spirograph to represent his work... use spot varnish, more photographs

Arkitekt brief
- Like the deconstructed type
- Love square format
- can't read the red type
- prefer black and white versions
- covers are really working well.

These are all the comments I had, and as I said some cancel out others and some comments are a little unfounded.

Action plan
- I need to consider the colours on the arkitekt brief and refine covers
- Work with print finishes on the Zac Helmore brief
- Experiment with real spirograph perhaps?
- Review the red type on the Arkitekt
- MOVE ON from here asap (photography and boards for late music)
- start premiership brief and resolve arkitekt brief