I have created a quick mock up based on my initial ideas about the format and what I want the publication to be. I have modelled the format on tabloid newspapers which I think is fitting to the average working class football fan. I appreciate that not everyone is going to read tabloids but this seems like a comfortable size and it means I can layout my type out with a lot of negative space and with a comfortably readable type size.
The dimensions of each leaf are: 285 x 369mm. I plan to print this on bulky newsprint which will be cost effective and reminiscent of real newspapers. I somehow want to also bring in stocks that might have been used with the vintage programmes so its all about off-white and uncoated stocks.
Time is batting on so I need to make informed decisions quickly and move on. I feel I can work with this size now, and I just have to get the content sorted before create some mock up spreads.
I also need to source eps' of the club badges and the premier league emblem.
Here are my photos documenting how the publication might look. As you can see it could be folded with a belly band around it.
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