Arkitekt finals

Posted: Tuesday, 23 November 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels: ,

These are the final covers I am proposing for the arkitekt brief which will be presented at the show and tell tomorrow. The top three will be printed full scale and the others will be presented as half size mock ups to show alternative directions. I will also present some of the other covers in the same format.

I used a flat colour on the back just because this could be used as advertising space. I don't intend to photograph that side for the presentation boards and there will be no mention of the reverse side in the publication.

The next step is to refine and mock up some of the spreads to get some opinions from the show and tell on wednesday.

I have made inroads into the content of the style guide and through making design decisions I have a comprehensive list of things that are associated with the template I have implemented for this magazine.