Arkitekt Magazine - Initial Ideas

Posted: Tuesday, 5 October 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels: ,

Before I start work on the actual magazine I wanted to come up with a masthead which will underpin how the rest of the layout works. It could be a typeface I use or a colour which will run throughout the design process and bind the project. As much as this is about creating sample spreads, it's also about creating a new image, a platform for the magazine to work off.

This is the first design sheet for the project. I started looking at architectural plans and replicating how the plans were drawn to develop a unique typeface from it.

From these sketches I created a new identity that can be developed throughout the project. I soon became aware that these new identities were looking a little dainty and too feminine. I wanted the identity to be technically accurate and geometric but the strokes were soon lost on an image because of the weight of the line. I decided to simplify what I had an adopt for some chunky, but not slow and sluggish, something a little more masculine too. The final image is my favourite and I feel it fits well with the image I want to create. Legibility could be an issue though... we shall see.

Mock ups on covers.