'What I want to do' statements

Posted: Thursday 23 September 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels:

A list of statements relating to what I want to do and why in the 3rd year.

Things I want to do and why

I want to further my skills in software such as Adobe InDesign as I want to create artwork for the publishing sector.

I want to broaden my knowledge of grid systems to enable me to create accurate and informed design solutions using typography and layout.

I want to create an online presence that allows me to update my work quickly and show samples to professionals and prospective clients alike. This will help me to strengthen ties with the industry.

I want to make quick and informed decisions in order to produce appropriate design responses. With the extra time to consider my design responses I can make the right choices.

I want to create work similar to that of ‘The Consult’ to target them for future portfolio feedback and placements/internships, because getting my foot in the door early is important to my progress.

I want to create appropriate design solutions that work both off and on screen to accommodate for both sides of the market. This will show my flexibility within the industry.

I want to experiment with different printing processes and finishes such as screen printing, embossing, foil blocking, etc as I feel this can further my understanding of print processes and show prospective employers I can work with them.

I do want to collaborate with course members in and outside the studio to experience working as part of a team and show to prospective employers I am a team player.

I want to work on live briefs to prove to professionals that I can cut in the real world. Having live work in my portfolio shows prospective employers I have industry experience.

Things I don’t want to do

I don’t want to work within ethical graphic design, as sustainability is not a concern of mine.

I don’t want to work with motion graphics, as I want to specialise in static 2D
design responses, so skills in producing motion graphics are unnecessary.

I don’t want to do any illustrative work as there are people more technically skilled in this area, and the kind of work I want to do after leaving does not require me to do it.

I don’t want to work with interactive technology, such as touch screens, as the technical abilities involved totally outweigh what I can offer.

I don’t want to work with software such as Adobe Flash, After Effects or Dreamweaver, as I don’t know enough about the software to make use of them.