Collaborative Brief

Posted: Thursday 23 September 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels:

Me and Liam have been talking over the past few weeks about a collaborative effort on the back of discussions at the end of last year. We first of all planned to do something this year depending on what our focuses were for the year ahead at the end of summer. We both have picked up on an area that we both consider interesting in the publishing sector.

After this we both decided on create a series of book covers to showcase type and layout skills. We both feel we can benefit from each others skills as well as work ethics and for me personally it would be good to see how Liam works.

I wrote up this brief as a starting point and we will look to strip it back and write something with more focus soon.


Book Cover Collection

The Brief
Design a series of book covers to promote a collection of books of your choosing.

To celebrate its 75th birthday in 2010, Penguin is publishing a new Penguin collection aimed at new readers.

The re-issue of classic books will be designed to replace existing copies of the books and add to new readers collections. The classics range will feature five books initially but will be rolled out to include more titles if deemed successful.

Impactful and desirable to readers but keeping the essence of the original issues.

How can you get new readers to interact with these titles without alienating the people who bought the original?

How can you capture the integrity of the titles and also update them successfully?

Think about framing, format, colour, type choice carefully.

Will your designs be typographically or image driven or a mixture of the two.

Mandatory Requirements
The book covers should be scaled to the same dimensions as the current penguin releases and the penguin identity should be visible on the front and back covers.

The rest of the design decisions are up to you including the selection of titles.

Target Audience
New young readers who want to a taste of classic fiction.

Covers are to be presented on A2 mount board along with any other development work.

Tone of Voice
The tone of voice will remain in the spirit of the original title.