Developing the packaging again

Posted: Sunday, 9 May 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels:

I found a better way to package my product so worked up a new net in illustrator before applying a new layout I created yesterday. I came up with the idea of using experimental hang over remedies/myths on the front of the packaging to capture the attention of my target audience. I was happy with how they looked on screen but I found problems when I actually printed the mock ups and glued them all together. I found quickly how useful it was to test using paper before trying to make a more accurate prototype, as my first attempt posed some problems.

Some of the graphics didn't sit well and some were hidden in this case by the lid. I also found myself changing font sizes as some of it was just unreadable. This is a much smaller net and so the layout has to suit and not look too overbearing or unreadable.

My second attempt was much better, and I plan to use this net for the first crit to judge what people think. Another thing to think about now is what is actually going to go inside the pack.

It is clear to see I am still taking my inspiration from the Swiss design movement I highlighted in my visual research. I still am drawn towards it as a basis for my experimentation, yet I am unsure of how it will go down in the crit. I wanted the graphics to be minimal but whether it will suit my audience is another thing.