
Posted: Wednesday, 12 May 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels:

The first crit went ok, as well as I had hoped for. There was plenty of dialogue and some good suggestions were made about how and where I can take this. It seems pretty to clear to me at this point that anything goes as long as its appropriate. Using different stock generating more layouts with the focus on colour and type seems to be the best way forward.

One point that was made in relation to a question I set before the crit was that I should look at perhaps a different product range. We can see how this could work as a paracetamol for young people with a binge drinking social life but how does it work for a group of elderly people. The content, layout and form would certainly have to change as they would not appreciate being told about hangover remedies when they are taking tablets due to their health.

I was told to look at both advertising in store and tertiary packaging ideas such as the labels that go on boxes, or the tape that seals it ready for shipping. That gives me that much needed scope for development I was looking for.

For the screen part of the brief, I am a little behind on but wanted to put in place a design direction first that could be applied to a range of forms. The main one that came up on that subject was a website describing the product or explaining the brand, or possibly a web banner for myspace, facebook, ministry of sound, or resident advisor.

The crit was certainly useful and has proved to me that my designs appropriate when considering the target audience.