Sourcing stock imagery - Arkitekt

Posted: Tuesday, 12 October 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels: ,

Once working on the brief it has become increasingly difficult to find appropriate stock imagery and I feel that buying from the heaps of catalogues is not only costly, it will also make my portfolio look generic. So today I approached Paul Bennett Todd, one of the photography tutors to discuss the possibility of one or some of his students sharing some architectural imagery with me to do this project.

I explained that I would need a number of images and the kind of images I wanted, and he was keen to help. He even said he would bring in some of his old negatives for me to scan. I'm still unsure exactly what I want until I see it. However, Paul agreed to put the word around and see if any students had the shots that would help me.

This will now allow me to work with some unused photographs and have a breadth of images to select from. The important thing is all the shots will have the quality I need.