Proposed position/ umbrella statement

Posted: Friday 24 September 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels:

This is my first edit of my position statement to narrow the focus on my design practice.

"Focused in research driven typography and layout for print and web delivery in the information, publishing and public sectors."

Once I discussed this and my wants and don't wants list with the rest of the group, these questions came up.

Do I want to work as part of a team or as a freelancer?

Do I have time to expand on my knowledge of Dreamweaver to include web skills as part of my skills set?

What do I mean by web delivery?

How would I go about getting around my limited web skills?

How can I differentiate to get noticed?

What do I mean by designing for the public sector?

Where will my work fit within the publishing sector?

How will I further my skills in InDesign?

Will I need to uphold a certain image to work for the public sector?