Negotiated Briefs

Posted: Wednesday 22 September 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels:


Arkitekt Magazine

The Brief
Design the cover and sample spreads for Arkitekt magazine.

Arkitekt Magazine is a new high end publication aimed at students, professionals, and amateurs who value an informed awareness and knowledge of international contemporary architecture.

Clean with a sense of quality and professional finish.

How will technology and consumer trends affect the format and your design decisions?
How will your magazine differ from the competitors?

Mandatory Requirements
The format of the magazine is up to you. The DPS’ should include in the region of a 1000 words, selected by you. You must include a proposed framework for further spreads including typeface selection, grid measurements and colour palette. The design systems you adopt must demonstrate scope so that the design solution can develop and function well for future issues of the magazine.

In addition, you must also propose various ideas for a masthead/identity for the magazine.

Target Audience
Students, professionals and amateurs alike.
All of which have an architectural background with a varying amount of understanding.

Spreads and cover should be presented on A2 mount boards with style guide to be presented separately.

Tone of Voice
The tone of voice has to be serious to attract the professionals but light hearted enough to be understood by students studying architecture.


Element T-shirt Graphics

The Brief
Design and produce a set of typographically driven t-shirts for the Element Skateboarding company.

Element Skateboards (originally called Underworld Element Skateboards) is a skateboard manufacturer and surfwear retailer based in Irvine, California. It is a subsidiary of Billabong International.

The brand wants to launch a new style of t-shirt graphics using typography only. These will be sold directly from the element web store and initially in skate shops in the UK.

Typographically driven t-shirt graphics inspired by skateboarding and music.

How can you create designs that will suit both ends of the market? Will you test your designs with the consumer? If so, how?

Will you take into account economic factors and developments in textile technology? Vegan textiles for instance…

Mandatory Requirements
The style is totally up to you but you should include the element icon wherever possible. The graphics should be bold and upfront yet be sophisticated enough for a large audience such as this one.

You will be expected to create the product tags and a way of distributing them online and in store.

Target Audience
Skateboarders, and appreciators of skateboarding fashion. Males aged 16 – 24.

A minimum of 5 designs presented on A2 mount boards, including in context photography.

Tone of Voice
The tone of voice should reflect skateboarding and a lifestyle of freedom and carefreeness.


The Music Homecoming Tour 2011

The Brief
Devise a small promotional campaign for The Music’s homecoming gigs in Leeds.

Local band ‘The Music’ have agreed to play three intimate gigs in Leeds music venues over 2 nights.

The band from Kippax, Leeds have released 3 albums in total, two of which have been top 10 hits in the UK, and the latest album ‘Strength in Numbers’ was in the top 20.

O2 Academy – 22nd February
Leeds Town Hall – 23rd February

The aesthetic should have close affiliations with the bands music and existing promo and other material.

Your campaign should make use of the technology available but shouldn’t lose sight of traditional methods to generate interest, as the budget is tight. How can you let the fans know but also keep the record label happy?

How can you incorporate the existing material such as album sleeves and tour material to keep the bands identity but freshen it up?

Mandatory Requirements
This is very open brief in terms of the direction but you must either use the band’s existing identity or create a new one. You must source appropriate imagery yourself and clearly state the venues and dates of the tour and direct fans to where they can purchase tickets for the dates.

Target Audience
Fans of ‘The Music’ as well as locals looking for a night of contemporary alternative music.

Finals and propositions should be presented on A2 mount boards.

Tone of Voice
The tone of voice should be to the point and clearly present the dates and venues.


Jim Carrey Film Box Set

The Brief
Design visuals for a Jim Carrey boxset containing 5 titles starring the actor.

For the first time 5 titles starring Hollywood comedy actor Jim Carrey are being made available on DVD & Blu-Ray as a box set to be sold in high street stores from 2011 to celebrate Carrey’s work in the comedy genre.

The boxset will include mainstream classics such as ‘Liar, Liar’ and rarer films such as ‘Cable Guy’.

A striking set of visuals which stand out in a flooded DVD market.

Will the artwork be uniform across the collection?

Will the covers be type or image driven or a mixture of the two?

Can you push your solutions beyond the norm but still supply the information required?

Mandatory Requirements
The designs and the film titles are up to you but the format and scale must conform to standard DVD regulations (applying age restrictions, film information, etc).

You should also look to propose a static interface for the DVD menus.

Target Audience
This will stand out as a must for new fans of Jim Carrey and comedy fans who have not purchased the films before.

Five Covers to be presented on mount boards, together with packaging proposals for the collection.

You can create mock ups should you wish too.

Tone of Voice
The tone of voice should be informal as this is for entertaining purposes.


The Informant

The Brief

Design the identity and stationery for an international newsgathering organisation called ‘Informant’.

Informant is an international newsgathering agency.

Informant should be position as a reliable and well-informed source of impartial current affairs reporting in the realms of high-quality business to business consultancy.

Clean with a sense of quality and professional finish.

How can you create a meaningful and impactful front for this business?

How can colour allow you to create tone and mood?

Think about frame, format, scale, composition, colour, and type choice
The design must function in both full-colour and single-colour variations, and be legible at both large and small scale, in a variety of contexts.

Mandatory Requirements
Use typography to interpret the name “informant”. Develop a unique and significant identity conveys the essence of Informant’s business activity.

The identity must be visually interesting, clearly legible, impactful, and indicative of Informant’s impeccable reputation for high quality journalism and newsgathering.

Target Audience
Decision makers in the business community and in particular, journalists working in print, screen, and radio.

Brand identity, stationery and guideline should be presented on A2 mount boards.

Tone of Voice
The tone of voice should be serious to reflect the assertiveness and reputation of the business.


Modern Movie Classics – Poster Series

The Brief
Design a set of collectable movie posters for the most loved films of the 90’s.

To celebrate classic movies of the 1990’s GB have announced the release of a series of movie posters dedicated to the classics.

Films such as Fight Club, Forest Gump and Edward Scissorhands were all released during the 1990’s.

The selection of the films is up to you and will ultimately determine your target audience.

An impactful, contemporary and desirable finish. These are to be collected after all.

What design direction will you take? Will you choose a uniform approach and adapt it to suit each poster?

Think about scale, colour, framing and composition.

Mandatory Requirements
You cannot use existing copyrighted imagery but you can trace and stylise original imagery from the films. The size of the posters should be 445mm x 610mm and portrait.

The design style and aesthetic is up to and you should seek inspiration from classic posters and contemporary film posters and re-issues.

Target Audience
Students, professionals and amateurs alike.
All of which have an architectural background with a varying amount of understanding.

Spreads and cover should be presented on A2 mount boards with style guide to be presented separately.

Tone of Voice
The tone of voice will differ with the content of the films, and should reflect the films content.


Premier League Report

The Brief
Design a full publication based on statistical evidence from the Barclays Premier League season 2009/10.

The Premier League is the most exciting league in the world. The league consists of 20 teams and runs from August to May.

The Football Association want to realise a statistical report aimed at fans, clubs and the press in celebration of a successful season.

Facts and stats can be found at the Premier League’s website

To make dry facts as engaging as possible.

How can you take the dry stats and make people want to read the report?

How will your magazine differ from the competitors?

Look at other annual reports, how do they differ? Would this target audience want to read?

Mandatory Requirements
The format of the report is up to you. There should be a sense of continuity throughout the report and you must select appropriate typefaces and colours for maximum legibility and readability.

You will be expected to use premier league identity and you are free to use the clubs’ identities within your work.

Target Audience
Anyone with an interest in the premier league or English football. This will not be advertised so the readership will be varied.

Spreads and cover should be presented on A2 mount boards. Mock ups can be presented in the form of images.

Tone of Voice
The tone of voice will be formal but presented in a informal manner with points of interest.


Metro Newspapers

The Brief
Create a transport advertising poster campaign and strapline that cuts through the visual noise of the everyday commute to promote Metro newspapers.

Metro is the UK’s 3rd biggest weekday newspaper with around 3.5million readers. Distributed in 33 cities across the UK it differs from paid-for newspapers by having no political agenda.

The paper is designed for a busy working audience who want bite-sized news, sport and entertainment plus information on things that are relevant to their lifestyles, such as fashion, food and travel.

As a morning newspaper it’s designed to be read during the commute to work. The average time spent reading it is 30 minutes.

Create posters that cut through the visual noise of the everyday commute to promote Metro newspapers.

Promote Metro to readers as the best way to get up to speed with the latest news in the morning.

Get readers to think about Metro as a personality rather than a product/utility.

Successful work will demonstrate how the response can stand out from the noise and grab the attention of the passing person.

Mandatory Requirements
Create a strapline that can be used across consumer facing activity.

A minimum of 3 poster executions, which show how the strapline can be incorporated into a campaign using a selection of transport media (bus sides, tube/bus panels, 6 sheets at stations/bus stops etc).

Include Metro’s logo and website and adhere to branding guidelines (see Further Information).

Target Audience
Metro’s readers are called Urbanites. A typical Urbanite is aged 18-44 and falls under the ABC1 socio-economic demographic, reflecting their higher-than-average income. As a person they are in full-time employment and live or work in an urban area in the UK. They love their cities and city living. They are time-starved, media-literate and love new trends.

All artwork should be presented on A2 mount boards.

Tone of Voice
Friendly, engaging, fresh, fun.



Showcase Cinemas

The Brief
Rebrand the Showcase Cinemas to reinvigorate the chain and boost it’s popularity amongst cinema goers.

Showcase Cinemas are committed to providing you with the ultimate film-going experience.

The cinema market has been revived in recent times due to the rise in popularity of 3D films. However, the competition is high. We need you to rebrand the aging image of the Showcase Cinema chain to strengthen its market position.

Professional image with a sense of the cinema going experience.

How will your decisions on colour and type help create the necessary image that appeals to everyone? If it can’t how can you address this?

How can you set the showcase cinemas aside from it’s competitors?

Mandatory Requirements
The design must function in both full-colour and single-colour variations, and be legible at both large and small scale, in a variety of contexts.

The identity must be clearly legible, impactful, and indicative of Showcase Cinemas reputation for being assertive, friendly and family orientated.

You will be required to propose forms of promotional material such as ticket designs, gift cards, membership schemes, web interfaces, signage, etc.

Target Audience
Cinema goers of all ages and ex-customers of Showcase Cinemas.

The chosen identity along with development work and further proposals must be presented on A2 mount boards.

Tone of Voice
The tone of voice has to be formal yet friendly.


I also have another one which is a collaborative brief with Liam Hine.