Typography Module

Posted: Monday 18 January 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels:

Highly enjoyable start to a module. Thankfully its not as overbearing as the other things I have going on at the minute. In this session we were introduce to type anatomy but in much more depth than I have ever known. I had no idea of the analysis involved but I was happy with the way the session went.

The first task was to choose the letterform of a certain typeface and describe it with the help of the guide sheet outlining the anatomy of typography.

These a few patterns I created in quark xpress to help me get to grips with the letterforms of a certain typeface (not font).

For the next session I have designed this nifty poster for Clarendon standard(my favourite typeface). I have picked out unique features in it when compared with other slab serif typefaces such as Rockwell regular.