DVD Menu first play animation sequence, Done!

Posted: Sunday 31 January 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels:

Here I have finished the main menu pre animation before the static background is shown. This will play, then the menu will be shown, and then once a button is pressed this animation will play backwards in double time speed.

Now improved with sound. This is a small sample of the track I will use for the title sequence, as it is a football song I used to hear when Leeds United were about to enter the field. It sent shivers down my back and the hair on my arms stood up. It evokes the passion and importance I want to evoke, but with a modern twist.

and finally this is a basic time reverse and will be played when a button is selected.


  1. boomer said...
  2. love it mate, this is awesome!! i'm gonna be using it as a reference for mine :P but good job mate, just goes to show the dvd menu doesn't need to be a still image. nice.

  3. Adam Townend said...
  4. thank you mr boome :P